United States Constabulary
1946 - 1952

Chapter Three

1st Constabulary Brigade and the USS Boozer
Written by Eight Ball

     Harking back to the good old days.  Having graduated from Regt. Radio School. I was reassinged to the Communications Platoon.1st Constabulary Brigade at Camp Peri on the hill above Weisbaden.
     As all you old timers know and even the newbies today, you form sort of a comradery among the different Sections.  So I was radio operator and driver assigned to HQ 39.  Hq 39 was a 21/2 ton CCkw 353, towing a trailer with two PE 95 Generators, mounted on the truck was a SCR 399 radio hut. Talk about luxury, all those drawers and cabinets to store goodies in. The crew consisted of Myself, Robert W. Poet and Thomas C. Koslowski (TOCOKO).  Poet was a former Navy man.  As you know some dit happy people imbibe in Alcoholic beverages.  He came up with the idea of using a special designation for our truck.  So out of this idea, came The USS Boozer, manned by Captain Poet, Quartermaster Koslowski and Helmsman Zafran.  Soon this idea blosomed out to the other three trucks and the 1st Constabulary Brigade Navy was formed.
      During the latter part of 1951, the Constabulary was winding down. We received a assignment to transfer the truck to the 4th Infantry Div. Commo platoon as a forward  communications point. On arriving at our destination,we reported to the Signal Officer. He wanted to send back a message to Brigade. So he sent the following message.

Eight Ball
Posted 6/20/08

Chapter One- 
Sitting in the gunners seat of an M8 armored car.
Chapter Two - 
Hunting for Boars.
Chapter Four - Classified Subject Latrine
Chapter Five -  Latrine Ritual
Chapter Six - Canister Shots
Military Stuff -  We all like to read Military Stuff.

United States Constabulary